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Library Organizational Flowchart

logo City of Ocean Shores City of Ocean Shores, Washington logo Ocean Shores Public Library
Ocean Shores Public Library

Library Governing Board of Trustees

Recommended by Mayor and Approved by City Council Provides Oversight for All Library functions


Friends of the Library (FOL)

• Led by an Executive Board
• Large General Membership
• Supports Programs and Activities for the Community: Book Group, Storytime, Teen Groups, Guest Performers, Socials, Book Sales


Library Foundation

• Led by Board of Directors
• No General Membership
• Manages Major Projects and Legacy Gifts, such as: Outdoor Pavilion and Umbrellas, Electronic Reader Board


Donations and Gifts supplement, but do not replace the Library Budget as allocated by the City Council.


» Download the Library Organizational Flowchart as a PDF.


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oslibrary@osgov.com • #360-289-3919
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