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Meeting Room

Read the policy below, then use the link to the Meeting Room Reservation / Agreement Form.


Policy Adopted by Library Board of Trustees, Approved August 2021

The Ocean Shores Public Library provides the use of the meeting room as a community service, available on equal terms for lawful activities of all groups. Public use is subject to availability and compliance with this policy.

Public use of the meeting room does not constitute endorsement of the groups or individuals using the meeting room or their beliefs, by the City of Ocean Shores, or by the Ocean Shores Public Library staff. It shall not be stated or implied in any way that the Ocean Shores Public Library (OSL) is a sponsor of a non-library event. Publicity for public events must use only the library’s name and address for location purposes.

The meeting room user priority will be adhered to in the following order: the OSL, OSL’s Board of Trustees, OSL Friends of the Library, OSL Foundation, and the City of Ocean Shores. The OSL will make every attempt to avoid scheduling library events that conflict with previously scheduled public uses. In the event such a conflict arises, the library use will supersede the public use.

10.1 Free Use

The meeting room is available for use, free of charge to groups or individuals meeting the following criteria:

  • The group or organization sponsoring the event must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group or local community group that is not commercial in nature.
  • The event or meeting must be educational, cultural, intellectual, and/or community related and not commercial in nature.
  • Meetings/events/programs must be open to all persons who wish to attend.

With the exception of library sponsored events, no fees or donations may be solicited or collected for admission to, or participation in, any such program, meeting or event. Sales or any business conducted which is entrepreneurial in nature or intended to realize profit now or in the future is not allowed.

10.2 Rental and Fees

Individuals or organizations not able to meet the criteria for free use of the meeting room may be eligible to rent the room for a fee. Use of the space must be appropriate to the facility. Use may not disrupt regular library functions. The Library Director has the final determination regarding eligibility to rent the meeting room.

2-hour fee: $25
4-hour fee: $50
All-day fee: $75
An additional cleaning and/or key deposit may be required.($100 refundable)

10.3 Scheduling

The meeting room may be reserved on a once a week, once a month, one time only, or several times basis for a calendar year—January through December.

All reservations will be made on a first-come, first served/approved basis. A meeting room agreement must be signed and on file, rental fees paid before the reservation is considered confirmed and approved. These arrangements must be in place at least 3 days prior to the requested date. For events that occur when the library is closed, the key and appropriate forms must be picked up during library open hours. Following the event, the key and filled out form need to be left next to the sink.

Meeting room users must complete a new agreement/reservation for the following calendar year, starting on December 1. The library will not automatically schedule, reschedule or carry forward reservations on behalf of meeting room users.

If an individual/organization fails to show for a reserved time slot, after 30 minutes the library may cancel the reservation and allow another use of the room. If an individual/organization twice fails to utilize a meeting room reservation, without notifying the library of the cancellation, the library may cancel or decline to schedule future reservations for the individual/organization. Such cancellation will be made at the determination of the Library Director.

10.4 Rules of Conduct

Library meeting room users must agree to abide by the following rules:

Publicity for meetings and events must not state or imply that the program is sponsored, co-sponsored, endorsed or approved by the City of Ocean Shores or the Ocean Shores Public Library. Meeting room agreements must be on file prior to use of the meeting room. All meetings and events are open to the public, except private meetings. Meeting room users are responsible for scheduling and confirming their reservations. Meetings and events shall not disrupt the use of the library. All persons attending the event are to follow the Patron Code Conduct Policy 5. Groups of high school age or younger must be supervised by at least one responsible adult per 10 children or teens. Light refreshments are permitted but alcoholic beverages are not, unless prior written permission is obtained from the Library Director. Smoking is never allowed in the library or within 25 feet of any entrance or air intake. Individuals/organizations are responsible for room set-up and take down. Furnishings must be returned to its original set up (as defined by staff ). The meeting room must be left in their original condition, neat, clean and undamaged. Excessive amounts of garbage/trash must be removed by the room user. Users must pay the cost to clean or repair any damage to library, furniture, equipment or grounds. The Library is not responsible for theft or damage to property brought into the library. The Library will not provide storage to any groups unless authorized by the Library Director. Nailing, stapling or heavy taping on all walls and woodwork is prohibited. Sponsoring individuals/organizations agree to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Ocean Shores Public Library (OSL) and its appointed boards, committees and employees against all suits, actions, demands, damages, and expenses of any nature which may be brought or made against OSL or which OSL may pay, sustain, or incur by reason of the use of library facilities by sponsoring individuals or organizations. Authorization to use the meeting room may be revoked by the Library Director upon violation of any policy, rule or procedure. Individuals/organizations refused meeting room use shall be informed of the right to appeal in writing to the Ocean Shores Library Board of Trustees.


Link to Meeting Room Reservation / Agreement Form.


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